Category Archives: Events



With thanks to our colleagues at UFAS.

WUU is co-sponsor with AFSCME 2412 Executive Board, PROFS, the TAA Executive Board, & Wisconsin Student Power Alliance.


The program is:
WHAT: “Fund the Freeze” Teach-In
WHO: State Rep. Chris Taylor with students, staff, faculty, and Madison community members
WHEN: Monday, October 10, 2016, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Northwoods Room A, Union South, 1308 W. Dayton St.

Come one, come all!

Calling All Available to Attend: Forum on the UW System Budget

Moving Wisconsin Forward: Reinvesting in the UW System

“What can we do to keep the University of Wisconsin strong in a time of funding cuts and tuition freezes?

Sept. 21, 2016: 7:00 PM @ Madison Memorial High School

(201 S. Gammon Rd)

Speakers include:

Donald Moynihan (Director of La Follete School of Public Affairs, Opening Remarks)

President Ray Cross (UW System President)

Rep. Dianne Hesselbein

Former Sen. Dale Schultz

Nicholas Hillman (Associate Professor, UW-Madison)

Mariam Coker (Student, UW-Madison)

Gwyn Guenther, Wheeler Report (moderator)


UW-Madison Faculty, Staff, and Students Gather on Valentines Day to Stop the Cuts, Save UW!

JoeElder_SaveUW_by Rebecca Kemble

On the 4th anniversary of the February 14th rally and march that sparked the Wisconsin Uprising, hundreds braved the cold to protest the proposed $300 million in budget cuts and the threats to democratic governance and public benefit posed by the “public” authority. WUU members Joe Elder and Bruce Tomadsen spoke to the freezing but spirited crowd.

The Cap Times Reported:

“UW students, faculty, staff and community members gathered, chanting, “No ifs, no buts, no budget cuts” and carrying signs with slogans like “I (heart) UW” and “Be like Minnesota, not Kansas” on them.

Some faculty are already leaving as a result of the cuts, said Joe Elder, professor of sociology at UW-Madison.

“And more faculty will leave,” he said.

“If the budget cuts affected football, we’d have nine players on the field instead of 11,” said Bruce Tomadsen, another UW-Madison faculty member and representative of the Wisconsin University Union. “No problem, says Walker, players can just cover other positions.””

Photo by Rebecca Kemble