
UW-Madison is a national beacon of free speech and unimpeded scholarly pursuit, an institution offering the highest quality academic instruction at the lowest possible cost, and the home of the “Wisconsin Idea,” where public service is central to its mission. Yet, public higher education in the United States is under widespread attack through shrinking public investment and attacks on democratic governance.

Faculty and staff powers in University governance are at an all time low. There is a concerted attempt to significantly alter the structure of the University and the UW System without meaningful communication, let alone agreement, from participants in governance. Today the ratio of students to full time faculty at UW-Madison is at an all time high. So too is the share of teaching borne by “associates” with no chance of job tenure, the percentage of staff maintained as “limited term employees,” the amount of time it takes students to get through to a degree, and the cost of tuition and fees to students and their families.  These trends concern us greatly.

So please join us, and let’s be about the work of better realizing our democratic values in this great institution. In accordance with Act 10, we solicit our annual dues directly from members. As we follow the academic calendar, the year runs from July 1 to June 30. Dues are $10/year. You can pay your 2023-2024 dues by writing a $10 check to WUU and mailing it to:

WUU Treasurer
1511 S. 19th St.
Tacoma WA 98405

Or pay via PayPal: